When you are choosing a medical insurance plan, you need to be clear about your health care provider's in-network status. In-network providers have contracted with the insurer and receive discounts on their co-payments and coinsurance. In addition, in-network providers also receive added benefits from the insurer.

Insurance sales agents should receive frequent re-familiarization training. These sessions can be conducted in-person or remotely, depending on the size of the agency. If you're providing training remotely, send emails to each agent that update policy information and provide follow-up sessions to ensure the agent understands the changes....

If you'd like to work as an insurance advisor, you'll need to go through insurance advisor training. This training will help you pass the provincial insurance exam and gain real-world experience using various insurance products. Some programs, such as those at AOLCC, will even give you access to an insurance database and quoting software. Once you...


Fashionista, stylist, professional blogger. I live in the fashion world and love my life. I am here to be your guide for the casual look.


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